Reward contingency gates selective cholinergic suppression of amygdala neuronsKimchi EY, Burgos-Robles A, Matthews GA, Chakoma T, Patarino M, Weddington JC, Siciliano C, Yang W, Foutch S, Simons R, Fong MF, Jing M, Li Y, Polley DB, Tye KM.
Elife, 2024. PubMed
Scaling behaviours of deep learning and linear algorithms for the prediction of stroke severity
Bourached A, Bonkhoff AK, Schirmer MD, Regenhardt RW, Bretzner M, Hong S, Dalca AV, Giese AK, Winzeck S, Jern C, Lindgren AG, Maguire J, Wu O, Rhee J, Kimchi EY, Rost NS.
Brain Commun, 2024. PubMed
Successful aging after elective surgery II: Study cohort description
Ward M, Hshieh TT, Schmitt EM, Arnold SE, Cavallari M, Dickerson BC, Dillon ST, Fong TG, Jones RN, Libermann TA, Pascual-Leone A, Shafi MM, Touroutoglou A, Weng K, Xu G, Earp BE, Kunze L, Lange J, Vlassakov K, Marcantonio ER, Inouye SK, Travison TG; SAGES II Study Team.
J Am Geriatr Soc, 2024. PubMed
Potentiation of cholinergic and corticofugal inputs to the lateral amygdala in threat learningAsokan MM, Watanabe Y, Kimchi EY, Polley DB.
Cell Rep, 2023. PubMed
Automated detection of immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome via quantitative EEG
Eckhardt CA, Sun H, Malik P, Quadri S, Santana Firme M, Jones DK, van Sleuwen M, Jain A, Fan Z, Jing J, Ge W, Danish HH, Jacobson CA, Rubin DB, Kimchi EY, Cash SS, Frigault MJ, Lee JW, Dietrich J, Westover MB.
Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 2023. PubMed
Associations between early in-hospital medications and the development of delirium in patients with stroke
Ryan SL, Liu X, McKenna V, Ghanta M, Muniz C, Renwick R, Westover MB, Kimchi EY.
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2023. PubMed
Sound and light levels in intensive care units in a large urban hospital in the United States
Leone MJ, Dashti HS, Coughlin B, Tesh RA, Quadri SA, Bucklin AA, Adra N, Krishnamurthy PV, Ye EM, Hemmige A, Rajan S, Panneerselvam E, Higgins J, Ayub MA, Ganglberger W, Paixao L, Houle TT, Thompson BT, Johnson-Akeju O, Saxena R, Kimchi E, Cash SS, Thomas RJ, Westover MB.
Chronobiol Int, 2023. PubMed
Giant Cell Arteritis Presenting With Multiple Cranial Neuropathies – Case Report
Ye JJ, Bouffard MA, Brooks E, Hung YP, Kimchi EY.
Neurohospitalist, 2023. PubMed
Potentiated cholinergic and corticofugal inputs support reorganized sensory processing in the basolateral amygdala during auditory threat acquisition and retrieval
Asokan MM, Watanabe Y, Kimchi EY, Polley DB.
bioRxiv, 2023. PubMed
Thalamus sends information about arousal but not valence to the amygdala
Leppla CA, Keyes LR, Glober G, Matthews GA, Batra K, Jay M, Feng Y, Chen HS, Mills F, Delahanty J, Olson JM, Nieh EH, Namburi P, Wildes C, Wichmann R, Beyeler A, Kimchi EY, Tye KM.
Psychopharmacology (Berl), 2023. PubMed
EEG-based grading of immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndromeJones DK, Eckhardt CA, Sun H, Tesh RA, Malik P, Quadri S, Firme MS, van Sleuwen M, Jain A, Fan Z, Jing J, Ge W, Nascimento FA, Sheikh IS, Jacobson C, Frigault M, Kimchi EY, Cash SS, Lee JW, Dietrich J, Westover MB.
Sci Rep, 2022. PubMed
Learned Motor Patterns Are Replayed in Human Motor Cortex during Sleep
Rubin DB, Hosman T, Kelemen JN, Kapitonava A, Willett FR, Coughlin BF, Halgren E, Kimchi EY, Williams ZM, Simeral JD, Hochberg LR, Cash SS.
J Neurosci, 2022. PubMed
Sleep Assessment in Critically Ill Adults: Established Methods and Emerging Strategies
Weinhouse GL, Kimchi E, Watson P, Devlin JW.
Crit Care Explor, 2022. PubMed
VE-CAM-S: Visual EEG-Based Grading of Delirium Severity and Associations With Clinical Outcomes
Tesh RA, Sun H, Jing J, Westmeijer M, Neelagiri A, Rajan S, Krishnamurthy PV, Sikka P, Quadri SA, Leone MJ, Paixao L, Panneerselvam E, Eckhardt C, Struck AF, Kaplan PW, Akeju O, Jones D, Kimchi EY, Westover MB.
Crit Care Explor, 2022. PubMed
Associations Between Stroke Localization and Delirium: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Rhee JY, Colman MA, Mendu M, Shah SJ, Fox MD, Rost NS, Kimchi EY.
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2022. PubMed
Physiological Assessment of Delirium Severity: The Electroencephalographic Confusion Assessment Method Severity Score (E-CAM-S)
van Sleuwen M, Sun H, Eckhardt C, Neelagiri A, Tesh RA, Westmeijer M, Paixao L, Rajan S, Velpula Krishnamurthy P, Sikka P, Leone MJ, Panneerselvam E, Quadri SA, Akeju O, Kimchi EY, Westover MB.
Crit Care Med, 2022. PubMed
ICU delirium burden predicts functional neurologic outcomesPaixao L, Sun H, Hogan J, Hartnack K, Westmeijer M, Neelagiri A, Zhou DW, McClain LM, Kimchi EY, Purdon PL, Akeju O, Westover MB.
PLoS One, 2021. PubMed
A functional topography within the cholinergic basal forebrain for encoding sensory cues and behavioral reinforcement outcomes
Robert B, Kimchi EY, Watanabe Y, Chakoma T, Jing M, Li Y, Polley DB.
Elife, 2021. PubMed
Evaluation and Management of Delirium
Ryan SL, Kimchi EY.
Semin Neurol, 2021. PubMed
Hospital complications among older adults: Better processes could reduce the risk of delirium
Moura Junior V, Westover MB, Li F, Kimchi E, Kennedy M, Benson NM, Moura LM, Hsu J.
Health Serv Manage Res, 2021. PubMed
Clinical Electroencephalography Findings and Considerations in Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Ayub N, Cohen J, Jing J, Jain A, Tesh R, Mukerji SS, Zafar SF, Westover MB, Kimchi EY.
Neurohospitalist, 2021. PubMed
Electroencephalographic Abnormalities are Common in COVID-19 and are Associated with Outcomes
Lin L, Al-Faraj A, Ayub N, Bravo P, Das S, Ferlini L, Karakis I, Lee JW, Mukerji SS, Newey CR, Pathmanathan J, Abdennadher M, Casassa C, Gaspard N, Goldenholz DM, Gilmore EJ, Jing J, Kim JA, Kimchi EY, Ladha HS, Tobochnik S, Zafar S, Hirsch LJ, Westover MB, Shafi MM.
Ann Neurol, 2021. PubMed
Child Neurology: Intractable Epilepsy and Transient Deficits in a Patient With a History of Herpes Simplex Virus Encephalitis
Manzano GS, Danish HH, Chu CJ, Kimchi EY.
Neurology, 2021. PubMed
OpBox: Open Source Tools for Simultaneous EEG and EMG Acquisition from Multiple SubjectsKimchi EY, Coughlin BF, Shanahan BE, Piantoni G, Pezaris J, Cash SS.
eNeuro, 2020. PubMed
CRMP-5-IgG Associated Paraneoplastic Chorea
Vaswani PA, Kimchi EY, Hung AY.
Mov Disord Clin Pract, 2020. PubMed
Accurate detection of spontaneous seizures using a generalized linear model with external validation
Fumeaux NF, Ebrahim S, Coughlin BF, Kadambi A, Azmi A, Xu JX, Abou Jaoude M, Nagaraj SB, Thomson KE, Newell TG, Metcalf CS, Wilcox KS, Kimchi EY, Moraes MFD, Cash SS.
Epilepsia, 2020. PubMed
Clinical Electroencephalography Findings and Considerations in Hospitalized Patients with Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Ayub N, Cohen J, Jing J, Jain A, Tesh R, Mukerji SS, Zafar SF, Westover MB, Kimchi EY.
medRxiv, 2020. PubMed
A cortical-brainstem circuit predicts and governs compulsive alcohol drinkingSiciliano CA, Noamany H, Chang CJ, Brown AR, Chen X, Leible D, Lee JJ, Wang J, Vernon AN, Vander Weele CM, Kimchi EY, Heiman M, Tye KM.
Science, 2019. PubMed
Automated tracking of level of consciousness and delirium in critical illness using deep learning
Sun H, Kimchi E, Akeju O, Nagaraj SB, McClain LM, Zhou DW, Boyle E, Zheng WL, Ge W, Westover MB.
NPJ Digit Med, 2019. PubMed
Clinical EEG slowing correlates with delirium severity and predicts poor clinical outcomes
Kimchi EY, Neelagiri A, Whitt W, Sagi AR, Ryan SL, Gadbois G, Groothuysen D, Westover MB.
Neurology, 2019. PubMed
Postoperative Delirium and Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction: Overlap and Divergence
Daiello LA, Racine AM, Yun Gou R, Marcantonio ER, Xie Z, Kunze LJ, Vlassakov KV, Inouye SK, Jones RN, Alsop D, Travison T, Arnold S, Cooper Z, Dickerson B, Fong T, Metzger E, Pascual-Leone A, Schmitt EM, Shafi M, Cavallari M, Dai W, Dillon ST, McElhaney J, Guttmann C, Hshieh T, Kuchel G, Libermann T, Ngo L, Press D, Saczynski J, Vasunilashorn S, O’Connor M, Kimchi E, Strauss J, Wong B, Belkin M, Ayres D, Callery M, Pomposelli F, Wright J, Schermerhorn M, Abrantes T, Albuquerque A, Bertrand S, Brown A, Callahan A, D’Aquila M, Dowal S, Fox M, Gallagher J, Anna Gersten R, Hodara A, Helfand B, Inloes J, Kettell J, Kuczmarska A, Nee J, Nemeth E, Ochsner L, Palihnich K, Parisi K, Puelle M, Rastegar S, Vella M, Xu G, Bryan M, Guess J, Enghorn D, Gross A, Gou Y, Habtemariam D, Isaza I, Kosar C, Rockett C, Tommet D, Gruen T, Ross M, Tasker K, Gee J, Kolanowski A, Pisani M, de Rooij S, Rogers S, Studenski S, Stern Y, Whittemore A, Gottlieb G, Orav J, Sperling R; SAGES Study Group*.
Anesthesiology, 2019. PubMed
Dopamine enhances signal-to-noise ratio in cortical-brainstem encoding of aversive stimuliVander Weele CM, Siciliano CA, Matthews GA, Namburi P, Izadmehr EM, Espinel IC, Nieh EH, Schut EHS, Padilla-Coreano N, Burgos-Robles A, Chang CJ, Kimchi EY, Beyeler A, Wichmann R, Wildes CP, Tye KM.
Nature, 2018. PubMed
Consensus Approaches to Identify Incident Dementia in Cohort Studies: Systematic Review and Approach in the Successful Aging after Elective Surgery StudyKimchi EY, Hshieh TT, Guo R, Wong B, O’Connor M, Marcantonio ER, Metzger ED, Strauss J, Arnold SE, Inouye SK, Fong TG.
J Am Med Dir Assoc, 2017. PubMed
Longitudinal diffusion changes following postoperative delirium in older people without dementia
Cavallari M, Dai W, Guttmann CRG, Meier DS, Ngo LH, Hshieh TT, Fong TG, Schmitt E, Press DZ, Travison TG, Marcantonio ER, Jones RN, Inouye SK, Alsop DC; SAGES Study Group.
Neurology, 2017. PubMed
Amygdala inputs to prefrontal cortex guide behavior amid conflicting cues of reward and punishment
Burgos-Robles A, Kimchi EY, Izadmehr EM, Porzenheim MJ, Ramos-Guasp WA, Nieh EH, Felix-Ortiz AC, Namburi P, Leppla CA, Presbrey KN, Anandalingam KK, Pagan-Rivera PA, Anahtar M, Beyeler A, Tye KM.
Nat Neurosci, 2017. PubMed
The Successful Aging after Elective Surgery (SAGES) Study: Cohort Description and Data Quality ProceduresSchmitt EM, Saczynski JS, Kosar CM, Jones RN, Alsop DC, Fong TG, Metzger E, Cooper Z, Marcantonio ER, Travison T, Inouye SK; SAGES Study Group.
J Am Geriatr Soc, 2015. PubMed
Seizures at the scale of individual neurons
Kimchi EY, Cash SS.
Brain, 2015. PubMed
Streamlined, Inexpensive 3D Printing of the Brain and Skull
Naftulin JS, Kimchi EY, Cash SS.
PLoS One, 2015. PubMed
The American Geriatrics Society/National Institute on Aging Bedside-to-Bench Conference: Research Agenda on Delirium in Older Adults
AGS/NIA Delirium Conference Writing Group, Planning Committee and Faculty.
J Am Geriatr Soc, 2015. PubMed
Postoperative delirium in older adults: best practice statement from the American Geriatrics Society
American Geriatrics Society Expert Panel on Postoperative Delirium in Older Adults.
J Am Coll Surg, 2015. PubMed
American Geriatrics Society abstracted clinical practice guideline for postoperative delirium in older adults
American Geriatrics Society Expert Panel on Postoperative Delirium in Older Adults.
J Am Geriatr Soc, 2015. PubMed
Delirium in elderly people–authors’replyInouye SK, Westendorp RG, Saczynski JS, Kimchi EY, Cleinman AA.
Lancet, 2014. PubMed
Clinical Reasoning: a 44-year-old woman with headache followed by sudden neurologic declineBerkowitz AL, Kimchi EY, Hwang DY, Vaitkevicius H, Henderson GV, Feske SK, Chou SH.
Neurology, 2013. PubMed
Transient aqueductal occlusion in intracerebral haemorrhageDiamond EL, Kimchi EY, Shankar GM, Silverman SB.
Pract Neurol, 2012. PubMed
Impaired auditory discrimination learning following perinatal nicotine exposure or β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit deletion
Horst NK, Heath CJ, Neugebauer NM, Kimchi EY, Laubach M, Picciotto MR.
Behav Brain Res, 2012. PubMed
The dorsomedial striatum reflects response bias during learningKimchi EY, Laubach M.
J Neurosci, 2009. PubMed
Neuronal correlates of instrumental learning in the dorsal striatum
Kimchi EY, Torregrossa MM, Taylor JR, Laubach M.
J Neurophysiol, 2009. PubMed
Dynamic encoding of action selection by the medial striatum
Kimchi EY, Laubach M.
J Neurosci, 2009. PubMed
Redundancy and synergy of neuronal ensembles in motor cortexNarayanan NS, Kimchi EY, Laubach M.
J Neurosci, 2005. PubMed
Dysregulation of sodium channel expression in cortical neurons in a rodent model of absence epilepsyKlein JP, Khera DS, Nersesyan H, Kimchi EY, Waxman SG, Blumenfeld H.
Brain Res, 2004. PubMed